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Monday, February 22, 2016

Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorials 2

Tasks to set up and use Word

To minimize and maximize the Ribbon:

  • Right-click anywhere in the main menu.
  • Select Minimize the Ribbon in the menu that appears. This will toggle the Ribbon on and off.
Maximize and Minimize Ribbon
The check mark beside Minimize the Ribbon indicates that the feature is active.
The new tabbed Ribbon system replaces traditional menus in Word 2007. It is designed to be responsive to your current task and easy to use; however, you can choose to minimize the Ribbon if you would rather use different menus or keyboard shortcuts.

To add commands to the Quick Access toolbar:

  • Click the arrow to the right of the Quick Access toolbar.
  • Select the command you want to add from the drop-down list. It will appear in the Quick Access toolbar.
Quick Access toolbar
The Save, Undo, and Redo commands appear by default in the Quick Access toolbar. You may want to add other commands to make using specific Word features more convenient for you.

To display or hide the Ruler:

  • Click the View Ruler icon over the scrollbar.
Display Ruler
The View Ruler icon works as a toggle button to turn the Ruler on and off.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Data Representation

Data Representation

The set of symbols to express quantities as the basis of counting is referred to be a number system. There has been various number systems under human use for the purpose of counting and measurement. For instance decimal number system, octal number system, binary number system and hexadecimal number system have been most popular number systems which human beings have been utilizing for the purpose of counting and measurement.

Complete chapter notes attached here


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Computer Software and Programming Languages

Computer Software and Programming Languages

An information system has five parts. People, procedures, software, hardware and data. Software which is one of the most important part of an information system. Is an other name for a program or programs. Program is the step by step instructions that tell the computer how to do its work. The purpose of a software is to convert data (unprocessed facts) into information (processed facts). In most cases, words software and programs and interchangeable.

There are two major kinds of software-application software and system software.

Application software are the software the users of the computer use. Whereas system software are used by the computers. 

File Attached here click on below


Monday, February 15, 2016

Classification of Computer

Classification of Computer

Types of Computers
1. Analog Computers
2. Digital Computers
3. Hybrid Computers

Description is available in attached file

steps to download
1. click on click here to download
2. wait for 5 seconds and then press skipadd
3. click download to complete your task


History of Computer

History Of Computer

At the early age people used pebbles, stones, sticks, scratches, symbols and finger tips to count, which were later replaced by numbers.

The history of computing is divided into three ages during which man invented and improved different types of calculating machines. These ages are,

* Dark age - 300 BC to 1890

* Middle age - 1890 AD to 1944

* Modern age - since 1944 AD

Dark Age (3000 BC to 1890 AD

More Detail file is attached below


Friday, February 12, 2016

DAE Chemistry chapter 1 MCQs Notes

DAE Chemistry chapter 1 MCQs Notes

Notes of Applied Chemistry chapter 1 MCQs are given in a link. Other notes will be provide soon 


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Microsoft Word 2007 Tutorials 1

Microsoft Word Tutorials

MS-Word - Getting Started Tutorials

Word 2007 is the word processing software in the Microsoft 2007 Office suite that allows you to easily create a variety of professional-looking documents using features such as themes, styles, and SmartArt.

Setting Ms Word Environment

Word 2007

Word 2007 Before you begin creating documents in Word, you may want to set up your Word environment and become familiar with a few key tasks such as how to minimize and maximize the Ribbon, configure the Quick Access toolbar, display the ruler, and use the Word Count and Zoom tools.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Chemistry Guess Paper 1

Chemistry Guess Paper part ii 

                                  Chemistry Guess paper is attached here. 
wait for 5 seconds and press skip add and press download


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

How to remove two windows option on startup

How to remove two windows option on startup

Want to remove two option on windows start up then here is the simple steps
 To launch msconfig:
 Step 1. Click Start
Step 2. In the Search text box, type msconfig
Step 3. Launch msconfig by selecting it from the search results above the search text box.
 After msconfig is launched:
 Step 1. Go to the Boot tab
Step 2. Select the boot entry you want to delete.
Step 3. Click the Delete button and then click OK. 

Monday, February 8, 2016

DAE past papers link (2011 and 2012)

Link is here

click here

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

How To Increase The Processor Power Of Your Computer?

How To Increase The Processor Power Of Your Computer?

Today tip is very useful for those users who are still using computer with minimum processor speed. To increase the performance of slow computer, you can force your system to free up the idle tasks that are running in the background and sharing processor power. This end tasks method force the computer to devote its full processor resource to what you want it to do.

Follow the given steps to end the idle tasks:

To enable this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

Click Start button and click on Run option.

In the Run box, type the command Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks command and press Ok button.

Here system will take some time to end the background idle tasks.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

32-bit vs 64-bit: What's the Difference?

32-bit vs 64-bit: What's the Difference?

A 64-bit vs 32-bit graphic - © Tim Fisher

In the computer world, 32-bit and 64-bit refer to the type of central processing unit, operating system, driver, software program, etc. that utilizes that particular architecture.

32-bit hardware and software is often referred to as x86 or x86-32.

64-bit hardware and software is often referred to as x64 or x86-64.

32-bit systems utilize data in 32-bit pieces while 64-bit systems utilize data in 64-bit pieces.

In general, the more data that can be processed at once, the faster the system can operate.

There are several other advantages to a 64-bit system as well, most practically the ability to use significantly greater amounts of physical memory.

64-bit & 32-bit Operating Systems

Most new processors today are based on the 64-bit architecture and support 64-bit operating systems.

These processors are also fully compatible with 32-bit operating systems.

Most editions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista are available in 64-bit format. Only Windows XP Professional is available in 64-bit.

All editions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP are also available in 32-bit.

Not Sure if the Copy of Windows on Your PC is 32-bit or 64-bit?

See Am I Running a 32-bit or 64-bit Version of Windows? to find out.

Knowing is important so you can be sure to install the right kinds of software and device drivers. For example, a native 64-bit software program is the right pick when given an option between 32-bit and 64-bit, but it won't run at all if you're not running a 64-bit version of Windows.

Monday, February 1, 2016

How to stop automatic url redirection in firefox

How to stop automatic url redirection in firefox

Url redirection are most commenly used by many webmasters to redirect there visitors to new blog from there old blog(website). If it is using for this purpose then it is ok, but many of the websites is not using for this purpose instead of this they are using to install malware on your computer automatically without noticing you or it can also used to redirect to Phishing site to steal sensitive data like passwords and credit card numbers from your pc. It always better to know in advance about where your being redirected.

Ok, in this post i will show how to get noticed about Url redirect.

This tutorial is only for Firefox browser users..


2. In the OPTIONS window click ADVANCED TAB


Warn we when web sites try to redirect or reload the page

As shown below

4. Then click OK




Microsoft Office Visio 2007 Portable Gratis Full Version



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